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By: Mohamed Sahr

Turkish multinational company in Sierra Leone named Summa Group Limited has officially showed full commitment to take over the operations and management of the newly constructed Freetown International Airport in.

The information was relayed through a press statement issued on 16th January 2023.

In lieu of the statement issued by the Government of Sierra Leone through the Ministry of Transport and Aviation dated 16th January 2023, Turkish Company would take over the management of the Freetown International Airport for the next 25-30 years until they recoup their 270 million dollars investment.

The press statement confirms the official handing over of the Freetown International Airport to the management of Summa Group Limited.

Dating back to March 2022, His Excellency President Julius Madaa Bio made a courtesy visit to the site of the state-of-the-art Freetown International Airport which was expected to match up to western standard of aviation administration.

He stated that the 270 million dollars terminal investment project would accommodate one million passengers per year, once the facility has been completed.

President Bio revealed that with regards to equating the value-for-money into the setting of the country’s economy, the past administration had longed to procure whooping sums of 400 million dollars’ Mamamah terminal project which appeared not futile when he succeeded the mantle of leadership in 2018 as compared to the 270 million dollars investment project of Summa Group.

 “Today, the construction of the newly terminal and runway next to the existing Lungi Airport bolts on a swift cost”, Bio said.

After the completion of the modern airport, it would provide a facelift to the country and open to both international tourists across the world, and serves as a doorway to many Africa countries by extension. The new airport also is homed to modern runway, up-to-date control towel and present day police station for the enhancement of proper security and safety of the entire perimeter of the Freetown International Airport as compared to the Lungi Airport.

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